Fostering a Culture of Innovation: A Case Study of Elementary School Principals in Costa Rica


  • Miguel M. Gonzales University of Nevada Las Vegas
  • Richard Storti Pasadena City College


Mots-clés :

Culture of innovation, NPSTF, Costa Rica


To help promote a culture of innovation, the Ministry of Education andthe Ministry of Science, Technology, and Telecommunication of Costa Rica estab-lished a national executive decree requiring all public schools in the country partic-ipate in the National Program of Science and Technology Fairs (NPSTF). This casestudy examines the role of five elementary school principals in Costa Rica in implementing and preparing their schools for the NPSTF initiative. Principals played threesignificant roles: the motivator of teachers and students; acquirer of NPSTF resources;and the organizer of NPSTF committees and coalitions to help train and finance theinitiative. It is recommended the Ministry of Education establish a budget solely ded-icated to support infrastructure and professional development for NPSTF while aligning goals with all stakeholders.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Miguel M. Gonzales, University of Nevada Las Vegas

Dr. Miguel M. Gonzales is an assistant professor in the Educational Policy and Leadership Program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

Richard Storti, Pasadena City College

Dr. Richard Storti is an Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Business and Administrative Services





Comment citer

Gonzales, M. M., & Storti, R. (2019). Fostering a Culture of Innovation: A Case Study of Elementary School Principals in Costa Rica. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 15(6).