Educational Contracting and the Translation of Research into Practice: The Case of Data Coach Vendors in Delaware


  • Elizabeth Farley-Ripple University of Delaware
  • Akisha R. Jones University of Delaware


Mots-clés :

knowledge utilization, research use, data use


Accountability puts demands on educational agencies that often exceed their capacity. As a result, a variety of educational organizations are contracted to design and implement policy. Programs and services offered by these contractors are not only instrumental in the process of mediating and implementing policy, but may also be instrumental in translating research into practice. To explore this issue, a case study is conducted using vendor proposals for Delaware’s Data Coach initiative. Data are analyzed through content and citation analyses to examine the degree and nature of research use by educational contractors. This research offers new directions for studies of research use in policy but also lessons for policymakers and practitioners that seek the services of educational contractors.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Akisha R. Jones, University of Delaware

Ph.D. candidate in Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics.




Comment citer

Farley-Ripple, E., & Jones, A. R. (2015). Educational Contracting and the Translation of Research into Practice: The Case of Data Coach Vendors in Delaware. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 10(2).