Education Leaders’ Perspectives on Special Education Research: A Priority Setting Study


  • Jennifer Baumbusch University of British Columbia
  • Jennifer E.V. Lloyd University of British Columbia
  • Yu Chyi David Liou University of British Columbia
  • Danjie Zou University of British Columbia



knowledge mobilization, research priority setting, special education, teachers


Research priority setting, an element of knowledge mobilization, makes knowledge users integral to the development of research agendas. To date, the use of research priority setting in educational research has been minimal. The purpose of this study was to explore educational leaders’ perspectives on research priorities in special education. We conducted a cross-sectional research priority setting survey with educational leaders from 60 public school districts in British Columbia, Canada. Seventy-one participants completed the survey. Results of a pre-set list of questions indicated that the top three research priorities were: grade-to-grade transitions, high school graduation, and time to designation. In terms of designation, or student categorization, participants were most interested in “Intensive Behaviour Interventions/Severe Mental Illness.” When asked about other priorities, participants identified research on types of support/interventions. These results have implications for developing a research agenda that can support informed decision-making around policy-development and programming for students with special needs. 

Author Biographies

Jennifer Baumbusch, University of British Columbia

Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch is an Associate Professor at the School of Nursing at the University of British Columbia. She conducts research related to individuals with disabilities with a particular interest in how education, health, and social care systems shape the life-course experience. 

Jennifer E.V. Lloyd, University of British Columbia

Dr. Jennifer E.V. Lloyd is a Research Associate in the School of Nursing in the Faculty of Applied Science at the University of British Columbia. She holds a PhD in psychometrics.

Yu Chyi David Liou, University of British Columbia

Yu Chyi David Liou is currently an elementary school teacher in British Columbia. He holds a Bachelor of Science, a Bachelor of Education, and a Masters of Arts in Curriculum Studies from the University of British Columbia, with particular interest in the areas of outdoor and ecojustice education.

Danjie Zou, University of British Columbia

Danjie Zou is a graduate academic assistant and a doctoral student in the Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology (MERM) program in the Faculty of Education at UBC. He is assisting Drs. Baumbusch and Lloyd in statistically exploring the profiles of special needs youth in BC, with respect to both the BC Ministry of Education’s K-12 population database.




How to Cite

Baumbusch, J., Lloyd, J. E., Liou, Y. C. D., & Zou, D. (2020). Education Leaders’ Perspectives on Special Education Research: A Priority Setting Study. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 16(15).