Louisiana School Counselors’ Daily Activities and the ASCA National Model: A Complex History and a Hopeful Future





school counselor, school counseling, duties, activities, non-counseling


This mixed methods, concurrent nested study was designed to explore the extent to which one state’s school counselors report daily activities that align to the ASCA National Model (ASCA, 2005, 2012, 2019). In spite of federal and state legislation, state policy, and a state model supporting best practices for school counseling, a significant number of school counselors in this study (approximately 25%) report barriers to implementing comprehensive, developmental models. These barriers include inordinate amounts of duty, testing, and coordination of specialized services. However, with nearly three out of four school counselors in the sample reporting knowing and implementing pieces of the ASCA National Model (ASCA, 2005, 2012, 2019), we remain hopeful for the future of school counseling in Louisiana.

Author Biography

Wendy D. Rock, Southeastern Louisiana University

Wendy D. Rock, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the counseling program at Southeastern Louisiana University. Her research interests include counselor-principal collaboration, the school counselor’s role in mental health, supervision, ethics, and school counselor advocacy. Her professional experiences include teaching grades 6-8, working as a counselor in a behavioral health hospital, and serving as a high school counselor. She co-edited Ethical and Legal Issues in School Counseling (4th ed.) with T. P. Remley and R. Reed and published by ASCA. She published the manuscript Principal-Counselor Collaboration with T. P. Remley and L. Range in the NASSP Bulletin. She has presented at local, state, national, and international professional conferences. Dr. Rock serves as an associate editor for Professional School Counseling, on the editorial review board for The Professional Counselor, as co-chair of the ASCA Ethics Committee, as chair of the Louisiana ACT Council, and as a member of the national ACT Steering Committee. She has served as a delegate of ASCA’s national assembly and President of the Louisiana School Counselor Association (LSCA). She was the recipient of the 2019 Louisiana Counseling Association (LCA) Advocacy Award.




How to Cite

Rock, W. D., & Curry, J. (2021). Louisiana School Counselors’ Daily Activities and the ASCA National Model: A Complex History and a Hopeful Future. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 17(5), 22 pp. https://doi.org/10.22230/ijepl.2021v17n5a1089